I'll start this with a smile so i'll end up with one too.
My eyes are tired from crying not only for a day but i have been doing that ever since.
I woke up today realizing i cried for nothing.
That for those times i made myself miserable, they're not as worth it as before.
I have cried a lot because of one thing, as far as i can remember.
It's this thing they call LOVE.
That at first i was hesitant to admit to people and more especially to myself.
I have no idea about that word before.
I was a stone. That it didn't really struck me that much.
But then i surrendered to it one time and told myself, "maybe i am not a stone after all because there's this soft part inside of me."
i allowed the feeling to engulf and to my mistake i forgot myself before because of the feeling it had brought me.
It had made me so happy that i never wanted to let go.
Even if it already hurts too much still the feeling made be bear the pain.
I don't regret it though.
maybe i needed that feeling for that time for me to learn because i was clueless on how it felt to love someone so much with all your heart and to be loved back the way you wanted to.
We've gone through so many countless rough times together and for this one... we lost the fight.
Sometimes, not everything is won but maybe they are bound to fall so we can finally find ourselves and be able to put down those walls created.
Not all battles will be won in life, coz if you do how will you ever gonna grow up without experiencing failure.
And as thq saying goes nouhing really lasus forever, evenuthose things you thought will.
We built the relationship we had for four years and he gave up on me faster than the blink of an eye.
At first i was confused. That was way too fast.
But that's the nature of human.
It's hard to accept the fact that everything's gone with just a snap.
it'll take me long to understand that.
however there are things in life that are not meant to be understood. they just happen for a reason, known or unknown.
And i'll tell you, that's the beauty of it.
You come to see all the goodness in everything that happens and be able to finally appreciate those who have stayed with you till the very end.
i thank that feeling.
it was worth the try.
ubr />
"your love has brought me here. Till i see you again."