“She believed she could do it, so she did.”

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Drizzles of February

Today, I woke up with a cold morning breeze and was surprised to see that the earth’s still damp after an early drop of rain...and it’s still drizzling.


The plants seem greener. The Earth feels renewed.

It’s the kind of day wherein I wanted to just plunge myself into bed and curl under my covers as I enjoy a deep slumber. (It’s not as if I don’t enjoy sleeping even though the weather isn’t like this.)

It’s a good day for cuddling.

Maybe a good time to do a visit down memory lane but I forbade myself to do so.

It’s that moment wherein my thoughts appeared to be electrified, adrenaline rushing through them that they all want to be somewhat spoken.

I have not done this for a long time and It feels new to me.


Now, I am torn between dozing off to bed (coz I am getting sleepier by the minute) or I’ll stay up to untangle the thoughts from my ‘haywired’ brain.


Might at least try to extract these thoughts then. Lemme find my courage and I’ll be back.