“She believed she could do it, so she did.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Too much blah blah

 “Too much of anything could destroy you, Simon thought. Too much darkness could kill, but too much light could blind.”  Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Have you read City of Lost Souls? If not, then don’t worry I haven’t either. I’ll try to look for an ebook or a hard copy. But don’t you think it’s a quote worth pondering not only for the day but for every waking moment?

We all prolly know that saying “Too much is bad.” It does apply sometimes, or should I say oftentimes?
There’s even this belief that when you laugh too much or you’re too euphoric something unfortunate’s going to happen next. Now I ask. When does a person ever laugh too much? I mean how can you say it’s already in excess? Even though we’re already in a world where gadgets and machines prevail and prolly does big help (if not much more than what humans can provide), I don’t think people have created something that could measure someone’s happiness. (I shall try to read about that). I believe, that we’re in control of what  happens because of the things we think. About the Law of Attraction. That when we think more of positive thoughts, then, they’ll happen and vice versa. But I am not here to talk about the Law of Attraction. You can read about that in Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret.

Geeesh. I am blabbering nonsense again.

I just wanted to say that it is normal for a person to burst (just like a balloon. LOL. Just kidding). No. I meant to lose control over their temper when they are placed under a lot of pressure. Lucky for those who could express their rage easily because they don’t get to hold grudges or whatsoever inside them, they can easily let go because they’ve expressed it. But for those who can’t, then they’ll always resent.

There I go again. Sorry. My thoughts are all mixed up. I am just trying to empty my mind so I can peacefully sleep tonight.

We’re built with limitations. We can only take a specific amount of stimuli until we react. If it goes beyond that point then we’ll definitely explode. People tend to overreact and are misunderstood. Or it just depends on one’s perception.

I get to feel this at times when the stress level is too high. We feel so exhausted, the hustle and bustle of the day has sucked all of our vigor, we just want to bury ourselves under our covers and sleep our way throughout that moment until that feeling’s gone and we feel rejuvenated again. For even the slightest action be it a good one or bad can trigger the bomb to detonate.

Too much of something then is dangerous (prolly won't apply to all). Too much eating can lead to obesity or developing illnesses. Too much love can suffocate(figuratively speaking). Too much freedom can create chaos. Too much joke can hurt feelings and can be taken personally. There are a lot of too much in this world and I can’t specify them anymore.  I’ve done some of these “Too Much’s” at some point in my life and I apologise for whatever inconvenience I have caused. I really do.

I just so wish, somewhere in this article I’ve explained my point. If not, then, nevermind because it’s already 3 in the morning and I have to sleep.


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