“She believed she could do it, so she did.”

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

where are my manners?

I should have posted this before 2011 ended but I somehow forgot about it and I got busy.

Now allow me to rant over things that I find really irritating.

These thoughts have been bidding their time to be screamed to the world. However i would like to start this one by saying, i OWN this page. THESE are my thoughts and opinions. And if you do not like what you're reading here or you feel like you're the one I am talking about then ADIEU!!! Simple enough to be understood.

To begin with, I’ll be talking about how annoying it is for me the unbecoming attitudes of youngsters nowadays. I have actually heard a lot of remarks from different people (okay... include me, coz I heard myself) that the young generation that we have today seemed to be having a great deal of problem in paying courtesy to those who are much more superior to them. I mean those who they should be paying respect to. (Now it makes me think... Yeah, i belong to this generation HOWEVER i guess we have gone too far -waaaaaaay far than you'd expect us to be).

So, one way of transportation in our province is the tricycle aside from jeepneys and buses. There's no such thing as cab or LRT. A scenario goes like this. When you're actually alone and you have to take a tricycle to reach your next destination, you would have to wait for company or you would have to double your fare (which is definitely wrong, however that's how things work. Either you wait or you get there the soonest possible time). Well, that's not my point anyway, what i'm really trying to say here is that, when you're alone and you seemed to have been the most fortunate passenger of all that you would have to join a pack of younger people wherein they would let you take the center seat of the tricycle. That is just Grrrrrrr. Why in the world do you have to take the center seat? Talk about equality, yeah i know maybe you'll tell me first come first serve. But, Hello!!! Don't you just have the courtesy to take the center seat when you're with someone older than you? That happened to me a lot of times and not only to me but to many people i know who is not worthy of that seat. (now don't give me that talk about getting old that's not the point here).

Let me have this as another example, because it irks me so much when i remember it. When i was still in my seniqr year in colleue (that's notuvery long ago cuz i just graduated last April) there are these students younger than me who would just bump me or if not me, those on my year level while we strode the hallways and lobbies because they just don't want to give up the way and they wouldn't care at all who you are. Or they wouldn't even dare give way despite the fact that they are totally blocking the path and they wouldn't really care if you crawl your way out or what else you do because even if they see you, to them you don't exist. Arrrrrgh. Too good i don't bite but those situations are really annoying. Include the fact that THEY DON'T EVEN SAY SORRY, for they don't seem sorry at all. Fine! I'll apologize for you because you seem to have been too proud to say those words. *rolls my eyes*

Then there are people who just seem too proud. Those who think high of themselves that they have high disregard for rules and conduct. Yeah, we know that the world this generation's in right now is far more advanced and all that stuff however this doesn't guarantee that they are brighter than the previous one. They don't have to boast to the world their attainments and capabilities. Wouldn't it be better if they'd just allow the world to notice their potentials and not show it off? They do not want to be corrected about their mistakes for they are bossy know-it-all. In conjunction to what I’ve said that we're in a modern world, it looks like they are being used to the facts of being spoon-fed and they rely so much in other people. Wake up, dear! You do have a mind of your own. If you want this world to be nice to you, you should learn what is right and wrong. You are born to be a leader, yes. But you are also born to be a follower and not to always lead. How will you learn if you will always complain?

I guess they lack humor and they take life seriously. Gosh. One day, you'll realize that you should have been better if you had one. Pity. And if i were you, i'll find a way for me to develop this one because it's necessary. Life isn’t always a competition that you had to try to win every single game. You would have to learn how to enjoy it and take it as a simple game that whoever wins doesn’t really matter.
I couldn’t really think of things anymore so I am cutting it short.

Hmmm, I again want to say these things are a mixture of my outbursts and opinions. Nothing more.

Thanks for reading. ^_^

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