Our Christmas 2011 was definitely the best one i have had for years. It was AWESOME. We spent it in Pangasinan. And i am having a hard time constructing an article for this one coz it's just UBER-awesome that it was not meant to be explained. I am thankful for that lovely Christmas with my family. It only happens once.
My Uncle's family came home from Australia for a month vacation last December 21 and that's where our story starts. They haven't been home for almost 9 years. I was in my sixth grade the last time i saw them and i could still remember our cousin Kuya John-john playing his game boy advance nonstop. Now they came home with a lovely and cuddly baby boy -Jaiden. The cute lil kid you'll be seeing in the photos below is that huggable and kissable kid nephew of mine,Jaiden. There are more pictures to share but ha, i'll stop with what i have shared here.
We had a little walk by the beach on the afternoon of 23, and Jaiden definitely had fun that he kept running around barefoot avoiding the waves. Ate Badette wasn't there because she was asleep.
On the morning of 24th, we went to pay a visit at Alaminos Pangasinan to buy some groceries for our "Noche Buena". The "oldies" went to do that, just kiddin'. Mom, Tita Thelma and Tita Neng did the grocery that they were not able to enjoy the view at hundred islands.
hundred islands, Alaminos, Pangasinan
I wish we went boating though, but we were not complete which was why we didn't continue. So we just enjoyed the sight of the boats by the shore, viewing the different islands at a distance.
We had so much fun buying souvenir items at the souvenir shops. Clothes, phone accessories, and other items. Not only did we bought things but we had such another experience there to cherish. It was a wonderful sight to see the kids there happy. That by just buying the shells they are selling as accessories, it already gives them so much joy. There was a food vendor there and Tito Willie bought all of the "kakanin" she was selling for the kids.We ended up laughing because the kids were so naughty some of them couldn't wait for the food to be handed to them, they started grabbing handfuls and what their grubby hands could get and ran away laughing.
the brother's... Dad and Tito Willie
don't be mistaken, that's my brother, Mike and our cousin, Ate Dette
That's my Dad. he wanted me take a picture of him after we all had ours.
Tita Neng was enjoying the breeze by the Agno Bridge near our Grandparents house
That's the new bridge. Beside it if you could notice were the foundation of the old wood bridge that was very much remembered because we really had to have the courage to be able to stroll there before.
Me and my cousin, nica, trying to enjoy the comfort of sitting at the Tricycle instead of mono block chairs.
I miss eating together. It was always fun to be eating together, we always have a laugh at something. What i love here is the giant crabs that they usually serve. Too bad ate badette, Jaiden and Nica were allergic to it but Nica doesn't care about it that much and still enjoys them as if she wouldn't have any rashes after feasting on some delicious crab.
Ha! They were really caught off guard. They are really brothers. Tahahaha
And because of that, we decided to take photos.
When Christmas Eve came, we went to attend the Misa de Gallo. Then party time. I could never forget that moment when we arrived home and as i stepped out from the car, Jaiden was giving out his free kiss as Christmas gift to people, which was priceless.
Enjoying the Spaghetti cooked by my cousin Nica
teaching us how to properly mix cocktails and how to drink them. He made me drink it.. *blackmailed me LOL*
hahaha, pretending to be hating the cocktail but at the latter part i had to drink all of mine. "bottom's up"
I miss catching up with them. Kuya John was such a sweet Big bro-cousin at the same time. He's cool and he's so funny. Ate Badette was a sweet and kind sister-cousin too. I miss spending time with them and Jaiden.
I've been listening to her songs again for the past days and i deqided to featureuher here. This ulog is paying aulittle tribute to
one of the greatest Singers of all time. Whitney Houston. Enjoy listening to
some of her songs for a while. It’s never too late though.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos. They are courtesy of their rightful owners.
I am not that
familiar to all of her songs. I only know some of them, I Will always Love You,
The Greatest Love of All, All at Once, Try it On My Own, Where Do Broken Hearts
Go, Didn’t We almost Have it All, I have Nothing to name a few.
screencap of a scene from the movie 'The Bodyguard'
I’ve grown accustomed to listening to
Whitney Houston’s Greatest Love of All song, when I was a child. My Dad used to
play it on the piano, that’s the only song I could remember probably because we
have a music sheet of it. While most of her other songs are being sung
almost everywhere by contestants in different singing competitions.
My mom used to talk about the movie, The
Bodyguard. Though I’ve heard it a lot of times but I haven’t got the chance to watch
it. Here's a trailer...
Because the greatest love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all
Just like any other Whitney Houston Fan
out there, she will live on. Whitney Houston will live forever through her
songs which have touched the lives of people from all walks of life. Thank you for the greatest love of all.
All at
I finally
took a moment and I'm realizing that
not coming back
And it
finally hit me all at once
All at
I started
counting teardrops and at least a miulion fell
My eyes
began to swell,
And all
my dreams were shattered all at once
since I met you
the only love I've known
And I
can't forget you
Though I
must face it all alone
All at
once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
you'd come back to me
that's all that matters now
All at
once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
on to memories
And it
hurts me more than you know
So much
more than it shows
All at
once If you're looking for Whitney Houston songs, click here.