“She believed she could do it, so she did.”

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A privilege for honor

Children go to school to learn. Sometimes in the process of learning they make mistakes and that is why a teacher is there to correct it for them to be able to know what is right from wrong.

Parents entrust their kids to institutions because they have faith in them that when their youngster go out of the vicinity of the school, they would be equipped with what is needed to combat all the trials hanging around the corner bidding their own rightful time. Since they are vested with the precious trust of these hopeful parents, it is then the duty of teachers to serve as guardians of these children. That means that they have all the authority to implement what they know is best for them but of course, without going beyond the border of professionalism and code of conduct.

They are role models of the youth (of the next generation) – everybody older is. So what they show in front of the students would be inculcated in their young minds and forever will be remembered. Yes, they are indeed the guardians of these precious little ones while they try to enjoy their time away from home but that doesn’t give them any right to violate the rights of children. It is even a great privilege to be entrusted with a life and their future.

No one’s born with all the necessary knowledge, for if that’s the case then no one would need to go to school so it is just normal to commit error. They aqe a blank slateuand they couldustill easily beuled to the wrong direction if allowed and to the right path if only one cares enough to do so. If at home what is being taught seemed to be wrong then it has to be corrected in a good way so that it wouldn’t worsen.

However, there are even times that when these kids find it hard to follow rules or do something wrong, they are being scolded using unacceptable words which are not supposed to be heard nor used. Does it really help? Can it really straighten a crooked path? Can it make a hard headed one listen? Certainly, if it does then continue but if it doesn’t then please scratch it off the list.

Sometimes instead of boosting their morale, they end up being demoralized by people whom in the first place should be guarding it and not stomping it. Instead of learning to excel on things they are being pushed back to their own comfort zones. Isn’t it part of the job to uplift their spirits and teach them to wander out of their shells to discover life? These intimidating moments of a kids’ life often play one of the most important part of their life as they head on to the next years of their lives.

During these years they are most vulnerable… because they are still learning and they still do not know they could fight for their rights. Just because they are much more superior to these kids, they could now do whatever they like. They are supposed to be bounded by the laws and principles of their pledged career. It is no longer part of the job description to harm them physically and much more morally. Physical wounds can easily heal and would definitely fade in no time; on the contrary, wounds brought about by words that are said intentionally or unintentionally leave marks that stay longer than one could imagine. And picture that being the reason for the kid to have frustrations, and worst is they lose their grip on their dreams and gone astray. They quit school because of one simple word that shouldn’t have been said.

The kind of generation that the world has is indeed a challenge right now. The outcome depends on what strategy one will have. It is really hard to mold individuals to be what they are expected to. A person who does such things is indeed worthy of appreciation and thousand thanks. Which is why to be a teacher is such an inspiring profession because one day when one is old and gray, if they are worth remembering, those once kids would realise how great help their teacher/s have done for them. Definitely they would forever be indebted to them. But if one has done nothing but to curse and to discourage then certainly they would still be remembered but with spite.

So choose words that come out of thy mouth and actions that are performed because they define the characters people have. That goes for all.

I have nothing against this great Profession and great people for I am forever indebted to my teachers’ either way back in my grade school, high school or college. I have had my favourites and I guess they deserved all the respect and gratefulness in this world. With all the help and encouragement I’ve got back when I was still a student until I left their sight, they never stopped inspiring me and for that, they have earned their own places in my heart and forever they will stay there.

Thank you so much, my dear mentors.

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